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RSPB and DOE setting up falcon breeder's

Guest shaheen

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Very interesting with one falconer all longwinger's should know :thumbs:






Thats going back a few years, I knew the story but didn't realise it ended up on the box and now on Youtube!! DEFRA try and be a bit wiser these days after they have been hammered for compensation a few times :boogie:, they tend to spare the expensive raids until they think they have concrete evidence, which most of the time they don't.



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I can actually remember watching it when it was on the telly,bad people.It didnt work though co Mark i one of the biggest breeders in the country now and his setup i amazing,i was helping look for a mising falcon up there not so long ago and his hack pen is awesome :icon_eek:

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  • 4 months later...
I can actually remember watching it when it was on the telly,bad people.It didnt work though co Mark i one of the biggest breeders in the country now and his setup i amazing,i was helping look for a mising falcon up there not so long ago and his hack pen is awesome :icon_eek:


aye i remember when that happened ive worked for mark for a long time and am very close to him, at the time the bird went missing i was looking for 18 hours a day non-stop walking (with 1 hour rest) although i had to pop off to another breeding project at the time so i missed meeting all the people that came to help, we got the bird back though! and yes the hack pen is amazing, i remember doing the maintenance on it (you saw how big it was just imagine looking for the tiniest holes in every part of the net!) as for him being set up it was worse than the clip shows and also in my opinion defra and he rspb are still as bad but much wiser about how they do what they do and they love using propoganda nowadays!

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aye i remember when that happened ive worked for mark for a long time and am very close to him, at the time the bird went missing i was looking for 18 hours a day non-stop walking (with 1 hour rest) although i had to pop off to another breeding project at the time so i missed meeting all the people that came to help, we got the bird back though! and yes the hack pen is amazing, i remember doing the maintenance on it (you saw how big it was just imagine looking for the tiniest holes in every part of the net!) as for him being set up it was worse than the clip shows and also in my opinion defra and he rspb are still as bad but much wiser about how they do what they do and they love using propoganda nowadays!


Defra and the RSPCA will go to any measures to frame someone up just for a conviction! its good when it all back fires on them after they have spent thousands on a case, there's a couple of lads I know of who was raided and had some seriouse shit off them in the past and both innocent everytime.


He's a good lad is Mark! I had a lovelly tiercel Peregrine off him in 94 when he was up cleveland which I still have here in a breeding pair! This tiercel is 13 now and in with a nice gennuine female! the pair have chucked out some cracking youngsters, its hard to find pure stock like that these days making these sizes...



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  • 2 months later...

I was the person that put the watchdog Programme on Youtude. One of the reasons why I put the programme on Youtude was because of the way that the RSPB and the police still treat falconers. With the assistance of a number of people there will be a website coming soon that goes through a number of cases that show for example how the DNA profiling was flawed in relation to Nottingham University and birds of prey, over the 15 years of DEFRA sponsorship. This is the same flawed DNA profiling used to send people to jail.



Note the following facts:




Thank you for your letter of 19th May 2005 which has been passed to me. Any

releases of peregrine falcons would have to be in accordance with the

provisions of the current legislation: the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981

as amended (WCA). Section 14 of that Act (as amended) is particularly

relevant to your proposal, but other aspects of the law may also be

relevant. It would be an offence to release a peregrine falcon that was of

a kind that is not ordinarily resident in or a regular visitor to Great

Britain in a wild state, or is a hybrid (Scottish legislation). The Nature

Conservation Scotland Act 2004, which amends the WCA in Scotland, states

that guidance is available from the Scottish Ministers on non-native

species, which includes hybrids. For interpretation of the law, I would

advise that you to contact the Scottish Executive, DEFRA or the Welsh

Assembly, depending on the relevant country to your proposed release area.

I am unable to give any more specific advice on interpretation of the legal



We would not currently favour the release of peregrine falcons from captive

breeding programmes as such releases would not meet the IUCN Guidelines for

Re-introductions (www.iucn.org/themes/ssc/pubs/policy/reinte.htm), to which

the UK government, its advisors and the wider conservation sector adhere.

In particular, but not exclusively, few suitable release areas exist that

are not already occupied by wild peregrine falcons, and the wild population

is still increasing (10% since 1991) and has recovered to over 60% higher

than it was in the 1930s (before the population crash). A poorly planned

release may be detrimental to any local population of birds in a number of

ways. I would advise you to review your proposals under the IUCN



Depending on where you are considering releases, I would advise you to

contact the relevant conservation agency (Scottish Natural Heritage, English

Nature, or the Countryside Council for Wales) for further guidance.


Yours sincerely


David Stroud




David A. Stroud

Senior Ornithologist

UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Monkstone House, City Road

Peterborough PE1 1JY

United Kingdom


Tel: +44 (0)1733





Dear Watchdog

BBC Watchdog, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS

would you like to do a follow up programme on Mark Robb about DEFRA conspiring to pervert the course of justice, as it is still going on and they are victimising mark Robb. Please read below.


The crimes of the RSPB and Animal Health go back many years. See below.

The Watchdog programme and setting Sweetman up by DofE and the RSPB.



file 1

file 2

file 3

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Thats Interesting stuff Derek and nice to see any corruption like this brought into the open. I must admit I have heard of a few cases in the past and also one fairly local which aparantly did back fire on DEFRA....


Its fair to say a good few gennuine Falconers/Breeders have suffered in the past and indeed will in the present. the website you mention will be Informative and hopefully a great asset in assisting anyone caught up in such a situation in the future, keep us posted when its available and any more Information that needs airing on the forum...


Take Care



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are you the same DEREK CANNING that posted a peregrine through the letter box of a wildlife liasion officer, in FOUR bits?




ok tell me the facts!


The truth about Neil Hunter for example..



The Watchdog programme and Sweetman


Watchdog programme setting sweetman up by the DofE


file 1

file 2

file 3


Guy Shorrock withheld among other evidence, the registration documents that showed that I Derek Canning did not sell various peregrine falcons that I was found guilty of selling. This allowed for example Neil Hunter to make a false statement in relation to birds that he falsely claimed that I had sold him.


If what I have said is doubted then ask Neil Hunter to explain why an experienced police officer [as he was at the time when he made the false statement] like Neil Hunter filled in the registration document below in such a way that he claimed that the bird he received from me was a ‘gift’ yet later on he made a statement to say the bird was sold to him by me. The statement that the bird was a GIFT can be affirmed in Hunter’s own handwriting below. Therefore, either way Hunter has committed a crime and he should prosecute. As he was a police officer, of course, his colleagues and the DOE closed ranks and he was not prosecuted. If it had of been you or me then the situation would have been different. This is double standards and Hunter is lower than a criminal is as he has lied to send an innocent man to jail. To make matters worse Hunter was then made a wildlife liaison officer instead of being prosecuted.


Neil Hunter is now an ex-police officer and he was a friend until he made a false statement that I sold him a cabled tied bird. Hunter’s brother and his friends also received a number of birds from me in the summer 1992. Significantly, in the summer 1993 Neil Hunter was given, as a conditional gift, a male cable tied Peregrine Falcon. I did not see Neil Hunter at my Court case at Newcastle Crown Court in the summer of 1995 and furthermore I am not aware of him carrying out any investigations into my case. I am not aware of him being involved in any investigations involving birds. Guy Shorrock [who has been heavily criticised in the R v Burden case and the R v Myatt case] was the person whom investigated my case. Given they aforesaid I would make the following comments:

1] I knew that Neil Hunter was a Police officer at the times that he collected birds from me in 1992 and 1993.

2] We both knew that at the time Hunter was given a cable tied bird that I could not have legally sold to him a cable tied Peregrine Falcon number UK 84492 without a licence. This fact was clearly stated on the registration document for all to see. Given this fact, it is inconceivable that I would have sold a cabled bird to a Police officer and not have expected to have been exposed when the officer saw the cable tie on the bird’s leg and filled in the registration document stating the bird was subject of a sale. If Hunter were telling the truth about me selling him a cabled tied peregrine falcon, he would have reported the matter to the Police straight away, as he would have known that I had committed a crime. Of course, he did not report the matter to the Police, as he had not been sold a cable bird. He waited until the police or may be Guy Shorrock contacted him before he changed his story to say that I sold him a bird.


Given that Neil Hunter signed the legally binding Department of the Environment registration document to state that the cabled tied bird that he received from me was a gift, why was he not prosecuted for making a false declaration as it states on the form if you make a false declaration?


I will clearly state again that the registration document in question clearly states it is an offence to make a false declaration. In short either which way Neil Hunter has committed a criminal offence so why was he not prosecuted? Because he is a police officer would could speculate!

3] I could have sold Neil Hunter a close-ringed Peregrine Falcon if I had of wanted to, instead of giving him as a gift a cable tied bird.

4] Many years later and after my Crown Court case, I took legal action against Neil Hunter purely to secure the legally binding registration document that Neil Hunter signed to confirm that the peregrine falcon that he received from me was a gift. Also, note that the charge of selling Neil Hunter a cabled tied peregrine falcon was discontinued at Hexham Magistrates Court: in fact, I was found not guilty of all the offences that I was charged with at Hexham Magistrates Court.


The whole truth and nothing but the truth of the matter is that Neil Hunter came into my aviary in 1993 that contained fourteen plus peregrine falcons, and he was given the choice of only two young cable tied bird in the aviary. He knew that, as he was not being asked to pay any money for the bird that I was giving him he had to pick from the two young cable tied peregrine falcons. These birds would be the hardest for me to move onto other keepers, as nobody really wants a cable tied bird, due to the law that applies to cable tied birds in 1993, beside I would have had to secure a licence to sell a cable tied bird, therefore it made sense to ask my good friend at that time, Neil Hunter, to take a cable tied bird. The only thing that I am guilty of is being taken advantage of by Neil Hunter. It was very convenient for Neil Hunter to have fallen out with me therefore, he would not be asked to return my birds that were on a conditional breeding loan/gift as agreed.


Hunter has stated that I gave him as a gift two sparrow hawks that I could have legally sold him yet at the same time, he claims that I sold him a cable tied peregrine falcon. Why would I sell a bird that would result in me being banned and fined then give Hunter two birds that I could have sold him free of charge? Neil Hunter’s story has no truth and no logic.


If there is any point that is in doubt, I would be happy to email relevant documents that affirm my contentions dilated above.



Derek Canning LLB [HONS]


Finally, ask Neil why he really left the police force?




Even my solicitor was denied access to the registration documents that showed certain birds had not been sold, however after I personally served a witnesses summons on Lynne Garvey I was given the relevant documents that proved my contentions.

Banning me from your Forum for doing, nothing wrong does not absolve you from the truth and your duty do what is right no matter how much you want it to the other. Good men need do nothing to allow evil to prevail is a maxi that I would ask you to debate before.


In fact, my guilt or innocence is not relevant at this point, however what is relevant is how perjury and lies were used to convict me, as without justice then we have nothing but a dictatorship.







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are you the same DEREK CANNING that posted a peregrine through the letter box of a wildlife liasion officer, in FOUR bits?




ok tell me the facts!


The truth about Neil Hunter for example..



The Watchdog programme and Sweetman


Watchdog programme setting sweetman up by the DofE


file 1

file 2

file 3


Guy Shorrock withheld among other evidence, the registration documents that showed that I Derek Canning did not sell various peregrine falcons that I was found guilty of selling. This allowed for example Neil Hunter to make a false statement in relation to birds that he falsely claimed that I had sold him.


If what I have said is doubted then ask Neil Hunter to explain why an experienced police officer [as he was at the time when he made the false statement] like Neil Hunter filled in the registration document below in such a way that he claimed that the bird he received from me was a ‘gift’ yet later on he made a statement to say the bird was sold to him by me. The statement that the bird was a GIFT can be affirmed in Hunter’s own handwriting below. Therefore, either way Hunter has committed a crime and he should prosecute. As he was a police officer, of course, his colleagues and the DOE closed ranks and he was not prosecuted. If it had of been you or me then the situation would have been different. This is double standards and Hunter is lower than a criminal is as he has lied to send an innocent man to jail. To make matters worse Hunter was then made a wildlife liaison officer instead of being prosecuted.


Neil Hunter is now an ex-police officer and he was a friend until he made a false statement that I sold him a cabled tied bird. Hunter’s brother and his friends also received a number of birds from me in the summer 1992. Significantly, in the summer 1993 Neil Hunter was given, as a conditional gift, a male cable tied Peregrine Falcon. I did not see Neil Hunter at my Court case at Newcastle Crown Court in the summer of 1995 and furthermore I am not aware of him carrying out any investigations into my case. I am not aware of him being involved in any investigations involving birds. Guy Shorrock [who has been heavily criticised in the R v Burden case and the R v Myatt case] was the person whom investigated my case. Given they aforesaid I would make the following comments:

1] I knew that Neil Hunter was a Police officer at the times that he collected birds from me in 1992 and 1993.

2] We both knew that at the time Hunter was given a cable tied bird that I could not have legally sold to him a cable tied Peregrine Falcon number UK 84492 without a licence. This fact was clearly stated on the registration document for all to see. Given this fact, it is inconceivable that I would have sold a cabled bird to a Police officer and not have expected to have been exposed when the officer saw the cable tie on the bird’s leg and filled in the registration document stating the bird was subject of a sale. If Hunter were telling the truth about me selling him a cabled tied peregrine falcon, he would have reported the matter to the Police straight away, as he would have known that I had committed a crime. Of course, he did not report the matter to the Police, as he had not been sold a cable bird. He waited until the police or may be Guy Shorrock contacted him before he changed his story to say that I sold him a bird.


Given that Neil Hunter signed the legally binding Department of the Environment registration document to state that the cabled tied bird that he received from me was a gift, why was he not prosecuted for making a false declaration as it states on the form if you make a false declaration?


I will clearly state again that the registration document in question clearly states it is an offence to make a false declaration. In short either which way Neil Hunter has committed a criminal offence so why was he not prosecuted? Because he is a police officer would could speculate!

3] I could have sold Neil Hunter a close-ringed Peregrine Falcon if I had of wanted to, instead of giving him as a gift a cable tied bird.

4] Many years later and after my Crown Court case, I took legal action against Neil Hunter purely to secure the legally binding registration document that Neil Hunter signed to confirm that the peregrine falcon that he received from me was a gift. Also, note that the charge of selling Neil Hunter a cabled tied peregrine falcon was discontinued at Hexham Magistrates Court: in fact, I was found not guilty of all the offences that I was charged with at Hexham Magistrates Court.


The whole truth and nothing but the truth of the matter is that Neil Hunter came into my aviary in 1993 that contained fourteen plus peregrine falcons, and he was given the choice of only two young cable tied bird in the aviary. He knew that, as he was not being asked to pay any money for the bird that I was giving him he had to pick from the two young cable tied peregrine falcons. These birds would be the hardest for me to move onto other keepers, as nobody really wants a cable tied bird, due to the law that applies to cable tied birds in 1993, beside I would have had to secure a licence to sell a cable tied bird, therefore it made sense to ask my good friend at that time, Neil Hunter, to take a cable tied bird. The only thing that I am guilty of is being taken advantage of by Neil Hunter. It was very convenient for Neil Hunter to have fallen out with me therefore, he would not be asked to return my birds that were on a conditional breeding loan/gift as agreed.


Hunter has stated that I gave him as a gift two sparrow hawks that I could have legally sold him yet at the same time, he claims that I sold him a cable tied peregrine falcon. Why would I sell a bird that would result in me being banned and fined then give Hunter two birds that I could have sold him free of charge? Neil Hunter’s story has no truth and no logic.


If there is any point that is in doubt, I would be happy to email relevant documents that affirm my contentions dilated above.



Derek Canning LLB [HONS]


Finally, ask Neil why he really left the police force?




Even my solicitor was denied access to the registration documents that showed certain birds had not been sold, however after I personally served a witnesses summons on Lynne Garvey I was given the relevant documents that proved my contentions.

Banning me from your Forum for doing, nothing wrong does not absolve you from the truth and your duty do what is right no matter how much you want it to the other. Good men need do nothing to allow evil to prevail is a maxi that I would ask you to debate before.


In fact, my guilt or innocence is not relevant at this point, however what is relevant is how perjury and lies were used to convict me, as without justice then we have nothing but a dictatorship.



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